Sept 4th, Saturday edition
Squinter’s most meddlesome dissidents make the front page again today. According to Squinter ‘ONH’, (Oglaigh na hEireann) did the unthinkable for a republican military group last week and actually asked a self confessed drug dealer ‘for the names and addresses of other drug dealers’ in the St James’ area.
Now this incident (if true) hardly represents a watermark in republican history, given that ONH have been filling Belfast A&E departments with kneecapped drug dealers for two years now.
So one must ask, why does Squinter believe this conversation (and it was merely a conversation) was important enough to put onto the front page? Given that the majority of west Belfast people welcome republicans moving against drug dealers.
The answer lies in his choice of language.
A mere 3 words into the article, Squinter refers to the self confessed drug pusher as “A teenager Oglaigh na hEireann tried to enlist as a tout”. These words “tried to enlist as a tout” again betray Squinters very real mission, that is to fool the west Belfast populace into abandoning Irish republicanism and embracing his beloved PSNI instead.
“Tried to enlist as a tout” is a sentence long reserved for the dirty actions of the RUC/PSNI, now however, according to Squinter, giving information to the PSNI on republicans is good citizenship, while giving names of drug pushers to republicans is ‘touting’. The man is a disgrace.
Whats more, Squinter (if his story is to be believed) has in fact helped to disrupt republican efforts to end the drugs scourge in west Belfast.
Squinter has stood by the pushers, its that simple.
And why wouldn’t he? Squinter doesn’t live in an area like St Jame’s, he lives in Beverly hills by comparison, his kids are relatively safe and as always he wants to drive home the message that the PSNI are the answer to all our ills.
In the meantime the actual working class people of the west know that the PSNI have most of these dug pushers in their pay, and in fact let them carry on with their trade.
Fact is Squinter doesn’t care about that little inconvenient fact, nor our children’s future for that matter. Squinter is watching out for his lifestyle, his quirky little well paid position and gala dinners with the great and the good.
Just what would become of Squinter’s cushy lifestyle if republicans like ONH gained the upper hand in west Belfast? It’s a beautiful thought.
Squinters problem is that he senses that this could be a very real possibility, not tomorrow or the next day, but certainly well before his retirement. This explains his bizarre choice of stories, his manic terminology and the way he flies in the face of common sense. Squinter is begining to panic.
Mind you, his old pal Steaknife could return the favour of 2003 and whisk him out to the Tuscan sun.