“We need not detain ourselves too much with the substance of what was said”.
Squinter must have choked on his Froppa Mocca Chinno (or what ever middle class nationalist twats drink in the Culturlan this week) when he glanced at the Belfast Telegraph and saw his most hated dissidents on the front page.
Now, I know for a fact that Squinter is aware of this blog, (we all have friends ‘in the know’ squinter) in fact he made a veiled reference to it in his column some weeks back, coyly admitting he was indeed a ‘draft dodger’ and making a pathetic appeal for internet based dissidents to see that its all only a bit of harmless slagging.
So far he hasn’t convinced the Maghaberry POWs, the butt of many a Squinter slagging, dirty protests not excluded.
Then he went quiet for a couple of weeks leaving the Dissidents out of his sights, no doubt hoping this blog would stop watching his self serving little outbursts.
No such luck Squinter!
He was back with a vengeance today, getting stuck in to ONH from his usual pathetic semi-quirky angle.
On hammering the ONH Belfast Telegraph interview, Squinter draws upon his usual mix of poor satire, pretend knowledge of the RA!, and a big dose of sour grapes.
You see, Squinter realised a long time ago that his bi weekly tabloid was not receiving phone calls from ONH, not a claim, not a statement, not a press conference, no photo shoots, nothing.
Squinter understandably reads this as a sign that he is not held in much esteem by that group, and like any self serving middle class careerist, he is starting to think of the future.
In the words of Pearse ‘What if the dream came true’, in Squinters case this means ‘what if ONH keep growing in West Belfast ?, what indeed Squinter? How would that leave you in your little Hannahstown tower? One dreads to think.
Back to Squinters colum though! he first challanges ONHs masculinity, suggesting they had lost some type of street battle with St James’ street gang ‘the IBA’.
Strangely enough it was him (using his real name) who not so long ago pleaded with the IBA to desist before someone got hurt, namely them, and by ONH!!
Then comes his display of apparent knowledge of all things ‘RA!’, the good old Ra, who he tries to drink with and have yarns with, even though he sickens their happiness.
He talks of how the RA! Had ‘Russian machine guns’, ‘200 – pounders’ and of course ‘South Armagh’, presumably implying that ONH have neither machine guns, explosives or support in South Armagh . We’el get onto his journalistic skills some other time.
Then comes the sour grapes, ‘the Belfast Telegraph is Rupert Murdochs paper’ ‘ONH are Rupert Murdochs friends’ , Squinter moans, presumably suggesting that dissident republicans want to be the darlings of right wing British media moguls.
Clearly he would rather they went to himself, a right wing IRISH media mogul. Either that or he’s still smarting because his old side kick Barnsey himself now writes for the Tele! Who knows, but lets look at Squinters left wing credentials while were here?..........Answers on a post card please!
Then comes the Shitey humour bit, ‘Your balaclava’s don’t look right’, ‘your uniforms look silly’, na na na na nah! Not like the tuxedo you wine and dine with Squinter, down at the Europa business awards with Paisley and Orde, and while the rest of us get on with the recession? Not like that, no!
The only interesting bit about Squinters latest Anti - ONH rant is this one line
“We need not detain ourselves too much with the substance of what was said”.
Classic line Squinter, classic line, until now I didn’t bother reading the ONH interview, now Ill make a point of it.