Thursday, March 28, 2013

Squinter, back with a bang?

Squinter is up to his old anti-republican antics again.
After almost a full year refraining from being used as Sinn Fein's town crier, his nameless hand has gotten itchy again, and as expected in the mouth of Easter.

This week he is accusing ONH (Squinters most hated Dissidents) of extorting local business people (Squinters favorite people in life).

In characteristic fashion, no name is attributed to the article, no name is put to the alleged victim either, no dates, no places, nothing of substance in fact.

Yet there is enough there to put the boot in to local Republicans and sow sufficient doubt into the minds of his readers. Not a massive boot, more like that of a feeble school boy running past the victim of a bus stop fight and throwing a sneaky dig in, just to see what it feels like.

The attack is not on the scale of last years pre-Easter Storey, when an 'Unnamed Republican source' was used to apparently "Expose" the antics of 'Dissident Republicans' in West Belfast. Back then we were told that Dissidents were responsible for the black death and everything since, we all know the Storey by now, and the source.

However since then Squinters paper has undergone the inevitable slide into financial crises, with less and less people buying it and even fewer caring about its contents. Squinters 'Unnamed Republican source' has gone on to push his Storeys on to Richard Sullivan and Paula Mackin, gutter scum writers of the semi-pornographic weekly 'The Sunday World'.

This has left Squinter in the shadows somewhat and has added to his tendency to withdraw from the office. More likely to be seen sauntering around Shaws Bridge, or struggling in the Gym, these days than up to work at the Glen Rd, Squinter has gone on to be viewed as somthing of a liability with O'Millioinaire himself.

In fact O'Millionaire is reluctant to allow him near a computer unsupervised. Last time that happened he said somthing bad about the great leader and almost sunk the whole ship. And as we have seen, things have never been quite the same since.

Non the less, Squinter proved his Loyalty to the West Belfast political elite again, with his annual yet casual pre-Easter swipe at ONH. Not in the public interest, not in the interests of journalism even, but for partisan posturing, by a coward, a draft dodger, an opportunist, a liar and captain of one of the fastest sinking ships in the country. He is still in the game, and for as long as he is. So will this blog.

Now, wheres my alphabet soup?

Thursday, February 24, 2011

'Help me Eirigi', as Squinter attacks POWs again

26th Febuary, Saturday edition

Ive said it before and ill say it again, Squinter (author of ‘Dissyleaks’ by the way), is a life long draft dodger who should have joined the IRA but instead choose a career in corruption and social nest feathering.
He has no right to comment on republican issues from a republican perspective, former activists and people from none republican backgrounds have that right, but Squinter doesn’t, he gave it up when he left the fighting to other people.
He also jumped right on the Good Friday gravy train and now relies on its survival to stay middle class.
And this of course provides his main motivation for attacking ‘dissident republicans’, his most urgent task and favourite past time.
His role as chief propagandist for the Provos in west Belfast means attacking “dissidents” at every opportunity, most often ONH, and notably the cause of republican prisoners as they are the softest target he can find, being the cowardly scumbag he is.
After a week of accepting Seamy Finnucane’s blind acceptance of RUC intelligence, generally blaming Oglaigh na h-eireann for murdering his brother (as opposed to the UDA and the RUC), Squinter rounded the package off by seizing on the recent Christmas card controversy between Friends of Irish Freedom and the R.N.U, to have a dig at the POWs cause again.
Squinter begins his article by telling us that he ‘hasn’t bothered attacking the dissidents in a while’, this is true to an extent, as since ‘Squinterwatch’ first went on line exposing him he did back off for a few months, in his paper at least.
However he did return to form using his ‘dissyleaks’ blogspot, which stole the ‘Squinterwatch’ format along with complementary Facebook page and trying to even up the score on what we had done to him and his perceived monopoly on the truth. Squinters ‘dissyleaks’ project let him get really dirty with false accusations and publish all his favourite Roddy’s gleaned scandal on republicans he has never met.
Thankfully Squinters ‘mates’ are looser than a wizards sleeve though and within 24 hours this dodgy blogger here was onto his latest project.
So when Squinter saw the debacle which was the FOIF Vs RNU showdown, he couldn’t resist returning to print and putting the boot in again.
Now, Squinter doesn’t give a shit about republican POWs and never has, he sat and ignored dirty protests, strip searches, daily beatings and harassment, never uttering a word in protest (it wouldn’t have gone down well at Hugh Ordes table during the Aisling awards), however when his fellow gutter journalists wrote about the Christmas card scandal Squinter predictably said ‘ill have that’ and got down to smearing POW workers with gusto.
He begins by giving us his usual now tiring ‘alphabet soup of dissident groups’ quip, (ONR / RNH caper) saying how confusing it is for him, although he has no problem differentiating between PSNI/DPP/PBNI/DRD/OFMDFM, etc etc etc!!!
He then goes on to again ridicule the entire POW effort by slobbering on with the garbled might be arguments about American Christmas card money, blissfully missing the irony of the pittance in question here and the tens of thousands of Provo money his mate Seamy Finnucane blew on failed property investments last year.
Squinter finishes with a sideward nod for the PSNI (who stole said Christmas cards) by virtually praising them for returning it.
Lets not forget that Squinters paper failed to carry the story about the Cards and money when the PSNI first stole it, Squinter clearly cares little about POWs kids, apart from when he’s using them to get a dig at republicans, what a scumbag.
Now he has made his anti dissident views clear again however (impressing Connolly house as required), Squinter is still left with the little nagging reality which has clearly been bugging him for a while now.
That is, the political sea change within west Belfast.
Slowly but surely the people of west Belfast are beginning to examine and question the long term strategy which Adams, Seamy Finnucane etc built their empire (and Squinters) on for the past 15 years or so.
People are joining other groups and forming other conclusions closer to the ideals of the past and which (if it continues at this rate) could well spell curtains for Squinters career and lifestyle, given that he has made a living from printing treacherous pro enemy lies about republicans in the very neighbourhoods he grew up in.
Therefore Squinter is looking around for an ally, in case it all goes tits up someday and he has to plea for clemency from republicans who have regained control of the west.
Enter Eirigi and Squinters generous offering of column inches on request.
Now this is no reflection on Eirigi, far from it, but they should beware of geeks baring gifts.
Squinter hates you Eirigi and what you stand for, but when he gives you coverage like he is currently doing, he is doing it to try and keep his back clean. Beware attempts to draw you into condemnation of other republicans, and approaches in the bar of gossip he can use in his O’Millionaire owned pro Good Friday rag.
What with him being a self preserving, cowardly prick.
Victory to the Maghaberry POWs,  and Squinter go fuck yourself! 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Squinter slams ONH interview

We need not detain ourselves too much with the substance of what was said”.
Squinter must have choked on his Froppa Mocca Chinno (or what ever middle class nationalist twats drink in the Culturlan this week) when he glanced at the Belfast Telegraph and saw his most hated dissidents on the front page.
Now, I know for a fact that Squinter is aware of this blog, (we all have friends ‘in the know’ squinter) in fact he made a veiled reference to it in his column some weeks back, coyly admitting he was indeed a ‘draft dodger’ and making a pathetic appeal for internet based dissidents to see that its all only a bit of harmless slagging.
So far he hasn’t convinced the Maghaberry POWs, the butt of many a Squinter slagging, dirty protests not excluded.  
Then he went quiet for a couple of weeks leaving the Dissidents out of his sights, no doubt hoping this blog would stop watching his self serving little outbursts.
No such luck Squinter!
He was back with a vengeance today, getting stuck in to ONH from his usual pathetic semi-quirky angle.
On hammering the ONH Belfast Telegraph interview, Squinter draws upon his usual mix of poor satire, pretend knowledge of the RA!, and a big dose of sour grapes.
You see, Squinter realised a long time ago that his bi weekly tabloid was not receiving phone calls from ONH, not a claim, not a statement, not a press conference, no photo shoots, nothing.
Squinter understandably reads this as a sign that he is not held in much esteem by that group, and like any self serving middle class careerist, he is starting to think of the future.
In the words of Pearse ‘What if the dream came true’, in Squinters case this means ‘what if ONH keep growing in West Belfast?, what indeed Squinter? How would that leave you in your little Hannahstown tower? One dreads to think.
Back to Squinters colum though! he first challanges ONHs masculinity, suggesting they had lost some type of street battle with St James’ street gang ‘the IBA’.
Strangely enough it was him (using his real name) who not so long ago pleaded with the IBA to desist before someone got hurt, namely them, and by ONH!!
Then comes his display of apparent knowledge of all things ‘RA!’, the good old Ra, who he tries to drink with and have yarns with, even though he sickens their happiness.    
He talks of how the RA! Had ‘Russian machine guns’, ‘200 – pounders’ and of course ‘South Armagh’, presumably implying that ONH have neither machine guns, explosives or support in South Armagh. We’el get onto his journalistic skills some other time.
Then comes the sour grapes, ‘the Belfast Telegraph is Rupert Murdochs paper’ ‘ONH are Rupert Murdochs friends’ , Squinter moans, presumably suggesting that dissident republicans want to be the darlings of right wing British media moguls.
Clearly he would rather they went to himself, a right wing IRISH media mogul. Either that or he’s still smarting because his old side kick Barnsey himself now writes for the Tele! Who knows, but lets look at Squinters left wing credentials while were here?..........Answers on a post card please!
Then comes the Shitey humour bit, ‘Your balaclava’s don’t look right’, ‘your uniforms look silly’, na na na na nah! Not like the tuxedo you wine and dine with Squinter, down at the Europa business awards with Paisley and Orde, and while the rest of us get on with the recession? Not like that, no!
The only interesting bit about Squinters latest Anti - ONH rant is this one line
We need not detain ourselves too much with the substance of what was said”.
Classic line Squinter, classic line, until now I didn’t bother reading the ONH interview, now Ill make a point of it.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Squinter stands by West Belfast Drug pushers

Sept 4th, Saturday edition

Squinter’s most meddlesome dissidents make the front page again today. According to Squinter ‘ONH’, (Oglaigh na hEireann) did the unthinkable for a republican military group last week and actually asked a self confessed drug dealer ‘for the names and addresses of other drug dealers’ in the St James’ area.
Now this incident (if true) hardly represents a watermark in republican history, given that ONH have been filling Belfast A&E departments with kneecapped drug dealers for two years now.
So one must ask, why does Squinter believe this conversation (and it was merely a conversation) was important enough to put onto the front page? Given that the majority of west Belfast people welcome republicans moving against drug dealers.
The answer lies in his choice of language.
A mere 3 words into the article, Squinter refers to the self confessed drug pusher as “A teenager Oglaigh na hEireann tried to enlist as a tout”. These words “tried to enlist as a tout” again betray Squinters very real mission, that is to fool the west Belfast populace into abandoning Irish republicanism and embracing his beloved PSNI instead.
“Tried to enlist as a tout” is a sentence long reserved for the dirty actions of the RUC/PSNI, now however, according to Squinter, giving information to the PSNI on republicans is good citizenship, while giving names of drug pushers to republicans is ‘touting’. The man is a disgrace.
Whats more, Squinter (if his story is to be believed) has in fact helped to disrupt republican efforts to end the drugs scourge in west Belfast.
Squinter has stood by the pushers, its that simple.
And why wouldn’t he? Squinter doesn’t live in an area like St Jame’s, he lives in Beverly hills by comparison, his kids are relatively safe and as always he wants to drive home the message that the PSNI are the answer to all our ills.
In the meantime the actual working class people of the west know that the PSNI have most of these dug pushers in their pay, and in fact let them carry on with their trade.
Fact is Squinter doesn’t care about that little inconvenient fact, nor our children’s future for that matter. Squinter is watching out for his lifestyle, his quirky little well paid position and gala dinners with the great and the good.
Just what would become of Squinter’s cushy lifestyle if republicans like ONH gained the upper hand in west Belfast? It’s a beautiful thought.
Squinters problem is that he senses that this could be a very real possibility, not tomorrow or the next day, but certainly well before his retirement. This explains his bizarre choice of stories, his manic terminology and the way he flies in the face of common sense. Squinter is begining to panic.
Mind you, his old pal Steaknife could return the favour of 2003 and whisk him out to the Tuscan sun.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Squinter attacks the Maghaberry POWs again!

August 23rd Monday edition

$quinter really, really, really hates dissidents, and wants to let the whole world know. This is understandable as his lovely middle class lifestyle can only be maintained if ‘Gerry A’ (Squinters mate apparently) continues to keep west Belfast friendly for peelers and business investors, and he remains the loudest cheerleader.
This is why during the last ten years of struggle and suffering in Maghaberry, a period which saw; two dirty protests, two hunger strikes, one prisoner dead in solitary confinement, one more dead in PSNI custody, forced integration, dozens of prisoners beaten, prisoners strip searched and degraded along with their families, and hundreds of west Belfast citizens take to the streets in protest, Squinter instead chose to use his paper to take the piss out of each and every effort to help the POWs, as well as to felon set and criminalise the POWs themselves.
This week Squinter has for the second time, jumped on the fact that a POW supporter spelt Maghaberry wrong on a wall some weeks back (talk about avoiding the real issues).
Squinter shows the picture of the writing and then launches a piss poor comedy sketch regarding ‘an active service unit’ whose job is to write slogans on walls.
Squinters two imaginary ‘Volunteers’ are then given all the usual characteristics Squinter gives to ‘dissidents’, ie; pig thick stupid, uneducated, idiots, more or less the same characteristics British tabloids have given to republicans for 200 years.
The first thing that jumped out at me when reading this crap was Squinters opening line, ‘In many ways Maghaberry Jail is little different from Long Kesh in the 70s and 80s’, to me this was a type of disclaimer, a bare acknowledgement to the suffering he knows the prisoners went through, before saying ‘fuckem’.
Now, Squinter (both using his real name and in his shite comedy bit) has no problem in opening other republicans up for scrutiny on their beliefs.
As such I would have no problem in asking ‘what would Squinter know about prison conditions anytime anywhere?.
As Squinter will well remember, he was left red faced by a former woman POW in his favourite drinking establishment one night when she pointed out ‘You spent your whole life avoiding active service, what would you know about prison?, apparently Squinter had tried to join in on yarns of actual Felons, including one who obviously recognised him as a setter.
Over the years Squinter was so determined to wreck the Maghaberry campaign through his paper that prisoner support groups had to eject all photographers and journalists from public meetings. He helped justify Provo hard men destroying POW benefit nights through making up lies and refused to publicise cases of Real IRA POWs in England being denied medical treatment because they were “not local stories”.
After a while one begins to wonder, just what is Squinters problem, why does he hate principled republicans to the point of actually attacking a prison protest and anyone who supports it?, this brings me back to my first point, Squinter needs to see the ‘Dissidents’ fail, his lifestyle absolutely depends on it.
Squinter didn’t write about the faeces and urine soaked cells the POWs lived in, he didn’t talk about the suffering and struggle, he saw where some young lad tried to express his support for Irish republicans incarcerated by his beloved PSNI, and he took the piss out of him instead.
Squinter, as an uneducated, illiterate dissident, let me tell you outright ‘UR A DCIKHEAD’.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

August 16, PSNI goood O.N,H baaad!

Monday edition! And Squinter really has outshone the other police loving papers today with no fewer than three articles dedicated to forcing the PSNI (not the RUC, repeat NOT the RUC) into the minds of West Belfast readers. The local DPP, who have no actual power but are allowed to ask questions and suggest things, are praised as being 'one of the most proactive'. ???
Other articles mention 'policing stats' and surveys and a contain a litany of the usual buzzwards such as; 'consultation', 'prioritising', 'engagement', all generously sprinkled around the banner head line 'Anti-Social behaviour is the biggest issue facing residents'. 
Now a 'vodka swilling dissident slob' - as he once referred to them - would think Squinter was on an agenda here to convince people that when it comes to tackling Anti-Social behaviour, there is nobody out there up to the job but the PSNI. Absolutely nobody, especially not O.N.H, currently Squinters favourate dissidents to hate.
And why would one think Squinter was playing to a political agenda here? well lets look at the vey next headline, directly underneath the three PSNI endorsing headlines.
'O.N.H are running protection rackets', a coincidence surely?, given that O.N.H didnt recently route a bunch of PSNI backed hoods from the St Jame's area, gaining them the respect of local residents and to the exclusion of Squinters beloved new policing 'service'???
Now i know that Squinter has no time for 'Unamed sources', i know this because when he defended Steaknife to the hilt in 2003, he repeatedly poured scorn on the 'Sunday rags' who relied on them and assured us that his paper would never be reduced to that sort of thing. Alot of water has passed under the bridge since then tho (Barnsey has gone to the Sunday Life for example), and now the bold Squinter has no problem using 'Unamed sources' to push his own - or rather Gerry's own - political agenda onto the headlines.
Oglaigh na hEireann (ONH) are being accused of putting jobs at risk in West Belfast. A basic rehash of Barnesys old CIRA Storey (gleaned from 'Unamed republican source') is then laid out in unsigned Squinter like fashion, getting in every possible shocking anti-social angle, and finishing off with a cracker quote from Cllr Paul Maskey "ONH should get off the backs of the contractors" .
Thank God the Provos never extorted anybody Paul eh? otherwise you would look stupid.