26th Febuary, Saturday edition
Ive said it before and ill say it again, Squinter (author of ‘Dissyleaks’ by the way), is a life long draft dodger who should have joined the IRA but instead choose a career in corruption and social nest feathering.
He has no right to comment on republican issues from a republican perspective, former activists and people from none republican backgrounds have that right, but Squinter doesn’t, he gave it up when he left the fighting to other people.
He also jumped right on the Good Friday gravy train and now relies on its survival to stay middle class.
And this of course provides his main motivation for attacking ‘dissident republicans’, his most urgent task and favourite past time.
His role as chief propagandist for the Provos in west Belfast means attacking “dissidents” at every opportunity, most often ONH, and notably the cause of republican prisoners as they are the softest target he can find, being the cowardly scumbag he is.
After a week of accepting Seamy Finnucane’s blind acceptance of RUC intelligence, generally blaming Oglaigh na h-eireann for murdering his brother (as opposed to the UDA and the RUC), Squinter rounded the package off by seizing on the recent Christmas card controversy between Friends of Irish Freedom and the R.N.U, to have a dig at the POWs cause again.
Squinter begins his article by telling us that he ‘hasn’t bothered attacking the dissidents in a while’, this is true to an extent, as since ‘Squinterwatch’ first went on line exposing him he did back off for a few months, in his paper at least.
However he did return to form using his ‘dissyleaks’ blogspot, which stole the ‘Squinterwatch’ format along with complementary Facebook page and trying to even up the score on what we had done to him and his perceived monopoly on the truth. Squinters ‘dissyleaks’ project let him get really dirty with false accusations and publish all his favourite Roddy’s gleaned scandal on republicans he has never met.
Thankfully Squinters ‘mates’ are looser than a wizards sleeve though and within 24 hours this dodgy blogger here was onto his latest project.
So when Squinter saw the debacle which was the FOIF Vs RNU showdown, he couldn’t resist returning to print and putting the boot in again.
Now, Squinter doesn’t give a shit about republican POWs and never has, he sat and ignored dirty protests, strip searches, daily beatings and harassment, never uttering a word in protest (it wouldn’t have gone down well at Hugh Ordes table during the Aisling awards), however when his fellow gutter journalists wrote about the Christmas card scandal Squinter predictably said ‘ill have that’ and got down to smearing POW workers with gusto.
He begins by giving us his usual now tiring ‘alphabet soup of dissident groups’ quip, (ONR / RNH caper) saying how confusing it is for him, although he has no problem differentiating between PSNI/DPP/PBNI/DRD/OFMDFM, etc etc etc!!!
He then goes on to again ridicule the entire POW effort by slobbering on with the garbled might be arguments about American Christmas card money, blissfully missing the irony of the pittance in question here and the tens of thousands of Provo money his mate Seamy Finnucane blew on failed property investments last year.
Squinter finishes with a sideward nod for the PSNI (who stole said Christmas cards) by virtually praising them for returning it.
Lets not forget that Squinters paper failed to carry the story about the Cards and money when the PSNI first stole it, Squinter clearly cares little about POWs kids, apart from when he’s using them to get a dig at republicans, what a scumbag.
Now he has made his anti dissident views clear again however (impressing Connolly house as required), Squinter is still left with the little nagging reality which has clearly been bugging him for a while now.
That is, the political sea change within west Belfast .
Slowly but surely the people of west Belfast are beginning to examine and question the long term strategy which Adams, Seamy Finnucane etc built their empire (and Squinters) on for the past 15 years or so.
People are joining other groups and forming other conclusions closer to the ideals of the past and which (if it continues at this rate) could well spell curtains for Squinters career and lifestyle, given that he has made a living from printing treacherous pro enemy lies about republicans in the very neighbourhoods he grew up in.
Therefore Squinter is looking around for an ally, in case it all goes tits up someday and he has to plea for clemency from republicans who have regained control of the west.
Enter Eirigi and Squinters generous offering of column inches on request.
Now this is no reflection on Eirigi, far from it, but they should beware of geeks baring gifts.
Squinter hates you Eirigi and what you stand for, but when he gives you coverage like he is currently doing, he is doing it to try and keep his back clean. Beware attempts to draw you into condemnation of other republicans, and approaches in the bar of gossip he can use in his O’Millionaire owned pro Good Friday rag.
What with him being a self preserving, cowardly prick.
Victory to the Maghaberry POWs, and Squinter go fuck yourself!
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